Learning Diary
A collection of important dates and events during the course
A lot of idea was generated and discussed. Though not all of them was used, it was helpful to list them all out and consider everything based on the tools available and our working capability.

Matti showed us the room R106 and we loved it. He also helped us to reorganize the room a bit and we discussed briefly about how to execute the ideas there.

25.3 - 4.4.2023
Feeling like Touchdesigner has became my long-life love-hate friend... We met almost every day but secretly we don’t really like each other.

Some inital results for our animated watercolor background.
Even the legendary chatGPT was consulted:

While I really appreacited its advices, I was a bit too novice to get everythign working based on those advices solely. It also said comfort things to me, too.
Matti showed us another way to combine different channels from SELECT (Top) and use them as cues to change the SWITCH (Top), and it was life saving. After almost 2 weeks watching TD tutorials and trying different things in it, we still couldn’t find the most effective way.

Several trips were made to Aalto Takeout for borrowing and asking about different tools... Big thanks to all the guys working in Takeout, the infor’s security guy who lended me the ladder.

Final steps are being executed. More trips to the Aalto Takeout, the New Media and around the school was made. We needed another projector in quite last minute, and the claim and arm to hold it was hard to find. I asked to use the one Tino used for his Aurora project and Calvin helped me get it and put it in our room. Thank you Calvin.

Eduard, our schoolmate from Sound Design also saved us big time. We had problem with the sound in R106 and couldn’t install sound input for the conversation with chatGPT to happen. He was so kind to take a look for us and lend us his audio interface and microphone. Big big thank to him.

Our final steps to finalize the room.
After a (quite satisfied) presentation day, I returned to the room several times to film our documentation pics and videos.