Embodied Interaction is a course from Aalto University that analyzes and explores the interactive experience between the human body and the space around in both digital and social senses.
This website is a documentation platform for my learning process throughout the course as well as the final project.
Gesture Assignment - group work

What if you can make sounds unconsiously and the world is just a big wide drum? How would you feel when being in control of all the sound around you?
We presented the concept with descriptive slides and a demonstration video.
Final Project - Proposal

The proposal explored the possible and potential directions and features the project can include. Though not all of them may not be feasible, it offered a clear overall and pointed out the pros and cons of the project.
Final Project - Art Installation

Combining different technology and applications, our final project presents an interactive storytelling game that provides embodied interactions. Users/ players controls and navigate through the system with body gestures instead of traditional interfaces.
Learning diary

Series of selected date with important events or changes relating to my learning and process during the course.